quinta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2015

Sport Class - Training Day 2

We had a great day today with the Sport Class pilots and the Open Class pilots who showed up this evening for registration! It was a long day and if you take  a look at the picture sequence, you will get a better idea of how it went!

  • It all started with the fantastic breakfast at Chile Mole Pozole:

  • Then Gerardo Mendez, was able to make it back in time to join us after going to pick his battens up, which he forgot the day before!
  •  The task set for today, took them to a "remote" goal, which for several of our guests, was the first time they had ever either gone XC or landed somewhere different than the official "El Piano" LZ!!!
  •  They were ready to leave around 12:30 and did an amazing job at working the broken lift around take off. According to the advanced pilots, it was quite a difficult day so our pilots did a great job flying around the area!
  •  Gerardo, with all of his glider here, very happy just before launch, being helped by Efrén, one of our extremely helpful and nice staff memebers!
  •  Jeff Bohl on his final very excited to have made it all the way to San Francisco (MEX), where the goal was...
  •  "Clutch" one of the local newbies, who completed both of the training tasks!
  • We had three Sport Class pilots at goal and our two mentors. There were a lot of locals come sit at the field to watch the show...
"Sólo Jeff" and Efrén carrying Jeff's glider to the van.
Alfredo Grey, first in, and some of our visitors
Pedro and a quiet crowd of spectators
"El Parce" who volunteered to bring back the windsock...(thanks!)
  •  Then a drive back to HQ and a great late-lunch with a group of pilots, just in time to go back for the final chat with their mentors while we (with Majo's help) worked on the Open Class registration.

The Swiss pilots and "Potro" (local pilot)

It was a great day here at Valle de Bravo, being able to help and offer these less experienced pilots a chance improve their skills and have access to knowledge passed down from those flying at the top of the stack!
This was the end of their training and for the next three days they will have the opportunity of applying the things they have learned!

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